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Microsoft's fight! Xbox One and PS4 online

作者:管理员 来源:未知 日期:3/14/2016 8:06:33 PM 人气: 标签:Xbox One
Recently, the number of Microsoft Xbox game series onto the PC platform, this approach once caused a host of players unhappy. But Microsoft is not the real purpose of speculation as to replace the host PC, but look more long-term cross-platform program.

ID @ Xbox project leader Chris Charla today in an open letter said, the future Microsoft Xbox One will provide more open online multiplayer mode, a new model not only allows Xbox One and PC cross-platform online, and as long as the game developers are willing to , the Xbox One is also capable of cross-platform online multiplayer games with PS4.

Thus, barriers to PC, Xbox One and PS4 will be broken between, players can get more fun.

Currently, Psyonix's "Rocket League" will be among the first to support cross-platform Xbox One and PC online game works, and Microsoft also welcome more game developers to open their online mode, to allow more players with the carnival.

If Microsoft this plan goes well, the near future you may be able to use an Xbox One in "Call of Duty" in a tutu off the PS4 players.
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